The Cow, Field & The Sky

'The Cow, Field & The Sky' was born as a curious exploration of painting through motion. Can a fundamental force, such as gravity, be used to narrate a story? Can randomness and order collaborate to create meaning?

These questions led me to experiment with combining controlled and uncontrolled processes to generate unique compositions. Each unpredictable result of an unguided action defined the next step, creating bridges between random forms across time. These collected moments of chance and motion ultimately transformed into a perfect playground of possibilities. I've always found it fascinating to witness and contribute to the emergence of such organic concepts.

The mental images from the village where I grew up serve as essential inspiration for this work. The farm where I fetched milk each evening, the stars that seemed to walk alongside me, cows named after people, and the symphony of dogs, donkeys, and worms wandering freely. The gentle breeze carried a distinctive mixture of scents - earth, dung, grass, weathered wood, and the warm aroma of a farmer woman's cooking drifting from her kitchen. And on my way back home, those same stars appeared again, but upside-down this time.

These images will remain with me forever, now transformed into a ground projection that invites viewers to immerse themselves in this childhood memoryscape. The work was prominently featured at one of Istanbul's major art festivals, where it was exhibited at Feshane. The projection creates an interactive canvas on the ground for visitors to explore and experience these rural memories in a contemporary context.